Friday, March 23, 2007

Why Real Feminists Don't Hate Porn

Some would say men desire porn more than women. Some would say they desire it equally. Very few would say women desire it more.

Assuming that men desire it more, what is the effect? Women have an opportunity that men don't. What group loses out here? Men.

Assuming that men and women desire porn equally, then it has nothing to do with feminism.


Blogger clairification said...

As a porn-loving feminist I completely support your contention.

My guess is that the women who hate porn are operating under the belief that they must compete for men's attention, and that this competition is more important than achieving any kind of cooperative sisterhood. And further, I'm pretty sure they are threatened by their own sexuality, otherwise they might have explored enough porn to discover something they enjoy (leading them to understand that it ain't all bad).

The fact that porn has busted up some marriages should be beside the point. Marriages have also dissolved over money, sleeping habits, and many other neutral things.

If women must be anti-porn to consider ourselves feminists--then we should be really, REALLY against the thing that keeps most women in the home, injures our economic parity, destroys intimacy with our husbands, and causes us to be hated by restaurant-goers the world over: CHILDREN.

12:32 PM  

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